Did you receive a letter from the IRS
or your state taxing authority?
We can help.
Receiving a tax notice can be extremely stressful as they always seem to arrive at the worst time. Is the amount due per the letter correct? Is there a way to minimize or abate the penalties?
Let Strategic Tax Planners handle it so you don’t have to. We’ve saved our clients literally thousands of dollars by representing them before the IRS and the state taxing authorities. Here are just some of the IRS notices we can help with:
CP2000 – Notice of Proposed Adjustment
This is a notice that the IRS commonly uses to inform taxpayers that there is a mismatch between the information included on a tax return and the information provided to the IRS by a third party (such as your bank, brokerage firm, employer, etc.). The IRS details the changes they are going to make to your tax return (which may result in either no change in tax liability, a refund, or additional taxes being due). It is important to closely examine the notice to ensure that the information received by the IRS from the third party is correct.
If you agree, you may sign and return the agreement form. If you do not agree, you may submit a request for appeal/protest to the office/individual that sent you the letter. The letter explains how to file a protest. You need to file your protest within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to appeal the proposed adjustments with the Office of Appeals.
If there are any penalties assessed because of the change proposed by the IRS, you may qualify for penalty abatements which can save you money. If you’ve received a CP2000 notice, call us today at (323) 531-3500 to learn about how we can help!
CP2501 – Tax Return Discrepancy
They sent this notice to inform taxpayers that the IRS has noted differences between a filed tax return and the information received by the agency from a third-party (such as your bank, brokerage firm, employer, etc.). While this notice rarely shows a proposed tax adjustment, you must still address the difference in order to avoid an assessment of taxes based on the difference shown on the notice. If you agree, you may sign and return the agreement form. If you do not agree, you must file your disagreement statement within 30 days from the date of this letter and include any pertinent supporting documents (such as Forms W-2, 1099, etc.).
Letter 2205 – Return Selected for Examination (2205-A and 2205-B)
This notice informs taxpayers that they have been selected for an audit (Letter 2205-A applies to individuals while Letter 2205-B applies to business entities). The letter will identify the specific areas targeted for audit (although the scope may ultimately be expanded beyond these specified areas) and provide the taxpayer with the name, phone number, and fax number of the IRS auditor assigned to the case. Alternatively, the IRS may send Form 4564 (Information Document Request) identifying the specific information that is being requested for the audit. If you receive Letter 2205 and/or Form 4564, call us at (212) 933-9962 for a free consultation to help ensure that your audit is handled properly..
Letter 525 – General 30-Day Letter (Examination Report)
This letter is used to notify taxpayers of proposed changes to their tax returns resulting from an audit. It will explain changes, the calculation sheets used in determining the adjusted tax liability, and the pertinent interest calculation based on the amount due. Letter 525 also details your options if you do not agree with the proposed adjustments. If you agree with the adjustments, you may sign and return the agreement form. If you do not agree, you may submit a request for appeal to the office/individual that sent you the letter. You need to file your protest within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to appeal the proposed adjustments with the Office of Appeals. Should you receive Letter 525, call us today at (212) 933-9962 to discuss your options.
Letter 3219N – Notice of Deficiency (90-Day Letter)
The IRS sends letter 3219N to inform taxpayers of underpaid taxes. The letter includes the amount of tax, penalties, and interest due and triggers a 90-day period during which the taxpayer can petition the Tax Court without first paying the outstanding amount due. If you agree with the changes shown on the form, you may submit a signed Letter 3219N along with Form 5564 (Notice of Deficiency – Waiver). If you disagree with the amount shown in the letter, then you may choose to petition the Tax Court to dispute the amount due. However, please note that whether to petition the Tax Court should only be made after careful consideration and consultation with a tax/legal professional. Call us at (212) 933-9962 today to ensure that your situation is handled properly.
Letter 0012C – Information Request
The IRS sends letter 0012C to request additional information from taxpayers pertaining to their personal income tax returns (Forms 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ). This information may include verification of income, withholdings, credit amounts, and/or documentation to reconcile advance payments of the Premium Tax Credit (PTC). Letter 0012C may also request missing forms or schedules which were not included with a filed return. This notice includes a fax number that can be used to submit the missing information. Note, however, that any missing documents you provide to the IRS may trigger potentially significant tax consequences which may cause the assessment of penalties and/or interest. Call us at (212) 933-9962 if you receive Letter 0012C to learn about the tax implications relating to this notice.
CP90 Notice – Final Notice of Intent to Levy
The CP90 notice is used to inform the taxpayer of an impending levy to collect unpaid taxes. The taxpayer may choose to file Form 12153 (Request for Collection Due Process Hearing) within 30 days of the notice date to appeal the intent to levy. Call us at (212) 933-9962 if you receive a CP90 Notice to learn about the tax implications relating to this letter.
CP01 Notice – Identity Theft
They sent this letter to inform taxpayers that the IRS has verified their claim of identity theft and placed an identity theft indicator on their account. This means that the IRS will monitor the account for an activity that may indicate identity theft from now on. This notice does not require any additional action by the taxpayer.
Letter 3391 – 30-Day Non-filer Letter
The IRS sends this letter to notify taxpayers that tax returns have not been filed. As a result, the IRS will typically include an amount due on Letter 3391. The letter explains that if you agree with the adjustments, you may sign and return the agreement form. If you do not agree, you may submit a request for appeal/protest to the office/individual that sent you the letter. You need to file your protest within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to appeal the proposed adjustments with the Office of Appeals. Often, the amount that will be due with a filed tax return will be lower than the amount assessed by the IRS as the agency commonly omits from their calculations deductions for which you may be eligible. Call us immediately at (212) 933-9962 if you receive Letter 3391.
Letter 6002 – Health Care Coverage
They sent letter 6002 to inform taxpayers that their tax return is missing information regarding their health coverage status for a particular tax year. As the Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposed penalties (prior to the tax year 2018) on taxpayers who did not have health coverage as required by the Act, it is important to respond to this letter to avoid the assessment of penalties and interest relating to health coverage. In addition, several exceptions to the penalty provisions exist which may help to reduce or eliminate your ACA-related penalties altogether. Please reach out to us at (212) 933-9962 to find out if any of the exceptions apply to your particular situation.
Call us today at (212) 933-9962 so we can help you in handling your tax notice.
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